Keeping your brand in the spotlight can feel like a full-time job – and it is, that’s why PR and marketing professionals like us exist!
This is where newsjacking comes in; a clever tactic that lets you ride the wave of breaking news to get your brand noticed. Think of it as jumping into a trending conversation at just the right moment to make everyone pay attention to you.
While it sounds like a no-brainer, mastering newsjacking isn’t always as easy as it seems. In this blog, we break down what newsjacking is and why it just might be the secret weapon in your PR toolkit. We also share some real examples of successful newsjacking as well as some handy tips on how to nail it, so you can jump on the bandwagon too. Read on to find out how newsjacking and reactive PR can help your brand.
What’s in this article:
- What is newsjacking?
- What is proactive and reactive newsjacking?
- What are the benefits of newsjacking?
- What are some examples of successful newsjacking?
- How to use newsjacking in your PR strategy
- Key takeaways
What is newsjacking?
One of the most effective PR tactics in any strategy is newsjacking – but that doesn’t mean it’s easy to do. Newsjacking is also often referred to as ‘reactive PR’ amongst digital PR professionals and agencies, as we are reacting to a news item.
Simply put, newsjacking is a public relations (PR) strategy that involves leveraging current news stories or events to promote a brand, product, or message. Semrush describes it as “the act of leveraging a news story to gain visibility for your brand”, which is pretty bang on. The term combines ‘news’ and ‘hijacking’, and refers to PR professionals literally ‘hijacking’ a breaking news story to attract media coverage and public interest for their clients.
When a news story breaks, editors and journalists need to cover it as soon as possible. They need to be the first, and they’re under pressure to get the story out super fast. Wherever possible, they also need to bring a fresh perspective and offer something new to the conversation, which is why they’re often looking for different takes and knowledgeable spokespeople to wade in on the topic. It’s all about being agile and working with speed!
What is proactive and reactive newsjacking?
Proactive newsjacking involves anticipating potential news events or trends and preparing content in advance to capitalise on them when they occur. We all have access to major events, upcoming dates, key anniversaries and yearly occurrences that can hit the headlines. We all know when the Chancellor’s next budget will be revealed, for example, and typically, budget days provide great opportunities for relevant brands to earn coverage and backlinks. Proactive newsjacking requires careful planning, but there are often plenty of quotes and statements that we can pull together in advance, so that we can pitch to key media straight away.
Reactive newsjacking is a whole different ball game. It is the practice of responding quickly to breaking news or trending stories in real time, so you need to monitor the news regularly and speed is everything. When a news story breaks, you need to respond right there and then. If you’re too slow, you’ll miss out. Whilst the turnaround time is tight, the potential coverage gains are massive.

What are the benefits of newsjacking?
1. Increased visibility
Newsjacking can significantly boost a brand’s visibility by tapping into the broad reach of trending news stories. When a brand successfully inserts itself into a widely discussed topic, it can attract attention from a larger audience, including those who might not have been previously aware of the brand. It’s also a great opportunity to earn coverage and links in mainstream media with massive readership. This enhanced visibility can lead to better brand recognition and recall – the bread and butter of great PR.
2. Enhanced engagement
Creative and relevant newsjacking can lead to higher levels of engagement on digital platforms, including social media. By contributing to the conversation around a trending topic, brands can encourage likes, shares, comments, and discussions on platforms such as Instagram, X (formerly Twitter), and TikTok. This active participation helps to foster a sense of community and connection with the audience, making the brand appear more relatable and approachable.
3. Improved brand image:
By successfully leveraging newsjacking, you can position your brand as timely, relevant, and having a finger on the pulse of current events. When a brand demonstrates its ability to quickly and cleverly respond to news stories, it can enhance its reputation as being innovative, dynamic, and relatable. This has a knock-on effect as it can lead to a positive perception among consumers, who may view the brand as being more responsive and engaged with the world around them.
4. Cost-effective PR
Newsjacking can be a cost-effective way to gain media coverage and public attention without the need for significant campaign spending. By capitalising on existing news stories, brands can piggyback on the media attention those stories are already receiving and get their name on (and backlinks from) huge news sites, and alongside other big brands. It’s important to remember, however, that newsjacking opportunities aren’t always guaranteed, and the opportunities for each brand will differ greatly depending on the industry and sector it operates in.
5. Competitive advantage:
In popular industries where multiple brands are vying for attention, being the first to successfully newsjack a story can provide a significant competitive edge. This approach can help your brand stand out from its competitors and establish itself and any key spokespeople as thought leaders and industry experts in the field.

What are some examples of successful newsjacking?
1. Love Island star’s allergy accident
When a famous Love Island star suffered a near fatal allergic reaction on board an Emirates flight, we knew it was the perfect opportunity to insert our client Allergy Menu into the conversation.
So, we worked with Allergy Menu’s founder Juliet Moran to get her thoughts and expertise on the issue, before pitching her comments to journalists who had already been writing about the incident. Our quick thinking resulted in coverage and backlinks from media like Wales Online.
2. BAR 8IE number plate
Barbie was one of THE films of 2023 - people just couldn’t get enough of it. So when awards season rolled around, our eagle eyed team noticed a very appropriate number plate was up for sale on our client Absolute Reg’s website (BAR 8IE) with a staggering asking price of £1,048,125.
The timing couldn’t have been better, so with some careful media list creation this story ended up featuring in the likes of This is Money and The Sun amongst others. Read more about our Barbie number plate campaign.
3. Christmas ad sales spike
Every year, Brits anxiously await retail giant John Lewis’ long anticipated Christmas ad. But luckily for us, 2023’s TV advert featured a young boy setting out to plant his own Christmas tree – which later turns out to be a Venus flytrap named Snapper.
Recognising the opportunity for our client Gardening Express, who sell the carnivorous plants, we issued a comment on how the advert had impacted Venus flytrap sales within the business. The media lapped it up, and we were able to count Ideal Home and Horticulture Week amongst the results.
How to use newsjacking in your PR strategy
1. Hold a ‘newsroom’ every Monday morning
Good newsjacking requires a thorough understanding of breaking information and trending topics. Every Monday, meet as a PR team and discuss the upcoming week in news. There might not be anything to note, but it’s important to create an environment where you are on top of the news agenda.
2. Plan ahead
Like any PR strategy, planning is super important, and you should already have a good idea of upcoming events and key dates in the calendar. Make a note of which dates and events are relevant to you or your clients, and what you’d like to comment on. News can change so you might not be able to plan 100% of your quote or contribution, but you can certainly be quicker if you are prepared with something.
3. Have a bank of content ready
Working in PR, we know what makes successful content and stories. We know what’s worked and what hasn’t. Existing and pre-approved content provides a wealth of opportunity to newsjack. This means we’re able to quickly identify a previous story that we can put a new spin on and pitch out again in line with the news agenda or breaking stories.
4. Be on the ball in the right areas
There are many ways of finding breaking news stories. Develop good relationships with relevant journalists, listen to and watch news channels, regularly check in on social media sites like X and TikTok, and regularly look at trending topics on tools like Buzzsumo.
5. Know your assets
Have your spokespeople ready to go with a headshot or suitable visual. You should have everything in your PR toolkit aligned and ready to action if an opportunity comes in.
6. Be unique
If you’re reacting to a news story, it’s worth keeping in mind that with or without you, journalists will be covering it. So make sure that your comment or contribution makes you stand out and actually adds something different to the article. Take a new stance. Outline how it impacts the client’s business or industry. Offer insights into the future. There’s so many ways to spin a story! Don’t just regurgitate the story in another way, it’s a waste of everyone’s time.
Key takeaways
Newsjacking, also known as reactive PR, involves leveraging current news stories to promote a brand, product, or message by quickly inserting a brand's narrative into breaking news to attract media coverage and public interest. It’s a fantastic way for brands to boost their visibility, enhance engagement on digital platforms, and gain a competitive edge.
To effectively use newsjacking, PR agencies and internal teams should hold regular news discussions, plan for relevant upcoming events, maintain a bank of pre-approved content, and ensure unique and valuable contributions to the news story.
If you’d like to explore what newsjacking could do for your brand, get in touch with us for a no obligation chat.